Exponential Medicine the Pulse of “Medtech”.


If you’ve ever had to go into the hospital for a major medical procedure, your memory of the experience is probably pretty unpleasant. Even when all goes well, the hospital is a nerve racking place for most of us , we would rather choose not be there . But did you know that just by being treated in a functioning hospital and having access to modern care, As stated in the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery’s 2015 report that quotes of over five billion people lack access to safe, affordable Medical care.

How technology can democratize care:

Founded by Dr Daniel Kraft in 2011, Exponential Medicine is an immersive, hands-on program focused on the implications of breakthrough developments such as 3D printing, personalized stem cell lines, point of care lab on a chip diagnostics, robotics, augmented, artificial intelligence, machine learning, large scale bioinformatics, synthetic biology, low cost genomics, gene editing,Sex and Exponential Tech, Drone delivery of medicine ,Mobile health support ,Remote robotic surgery ,block chain and more. These rapidly developing technologies are discussed in the context of the current explosions of digital information, big data, and connected, on demand, distributed healthcare.

Designed for the clinicians, innovators, investors, executives, and makers driving progress in smart ways. Exponential Medicine gathers world class faculty, organizations, and startups from across the biomedical and technology spectrum to present an engaging series of faculty talks, interviews, hands-on experiences, demos and in-depth exploration of what’s currently in the labs, what’s evolving clinically, and what game changing technologies are emerging in the next 2 to 10 years.


The disruption and transformation of medicine is happening right now.

That’s why each year Dr. Daniel Kraft, head of the medicine track at Singularity University, to bring all of the coolest and most powerful technologies together at Exponential Medicine. Singularity University’s annual conference highlights the future of medical technology, and its annual MEDy Awards that’s Medical Entrepreneurship and Disruption help gauge the pulse of medtech startups.

Startups, organizations, and governments are all identifying the needs for consumer oriented medical technology.

Sources:  Twitter  , Med Talks  , Facebook , Youtube 

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